Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Common Core Craziness...

When I read the headline that Indiana was the first state to leave Common Core, I was excited because I thought it meant that the idea of educating the whole child was beginning to take hold. But then I read the article and my stomach sank. It's purely a political move by conservative lawmakers in the state who believe that Common Core is a liberal attempt to indoctrinate our children in it's socialist agenda. 

Conservative critics of the program go on to say that Common Core is "a top-down takeover of local schools" and an assault on real American values, which is interesting because it's the direct descendant of No Child Left Behind, which was a conservative education program widely criticized by democrats as a "top-down takeover of local schools" as well as being discriminatory towards students of color.

The article goes on to say that Indiana will most likely adopt standards very similar to Common Core and are leaving it in name only as a way of thumbing their nose at the Obama administration. Just another example of the extremes that characterize our current political debates. I'm starting to think that it's not in the best interest of either party to improve our public education system as a truly educated electorate would jeopardize the status quo. 

The question of how we educate our children is essential to the future of our country and we can't let it get lost in partisan politicking. There's plenty to complain about but complaining will get us no where. I for one plan to keep doing the little things everyday to help our kids acquire the skills they need to really succeed and if they want my job fine, let them have it. It's a great time to open a charter school. Thanks for all you do everyday to help "socialize" our future.


  1. The common core standards as I have seen them are developmentally limited, where the part, the conceptual means used may be a good at one small point in revealing something to a child, but not an end game as something to make a structural way and means ONLY.
    Having said this, overall, CC is a structural ordering via education via use of an innate capacity of all men to act in common sense of all variables in this world, of which those who have more opportunity and vocabulary, have a more clear inner structure to make decisions that direct them in the world.
    Educational research shows that one's economic means, is an indicator of a child's development. Which begs the question as to why all children are not reaching their full potential, so that the social fabric is functional because it is the labor of men that creates the value from freely given resources.
    So, CC is to order in exposure to capacity through limited procedural means of understanding. It is like lack of exposure to logistics, so that by omission there is a child filled with logistical fallacies. And it is this lack of understanding of the logistics of practical reality that create a cognitive dissonance and as such a mis-informed child - which we all, as a collective end up paying for.
    An example is the minimum wage not being enough to even be able to investigate outside the box and seek alternative means, as the collective pays for the health insurance that is a " one size fits all" that we now know does not heal etc. I could go on with food stamps which are also a profitable means for a few.
    To see this as an act of creating what s believed to be a negative based on a past of label suggesting a bad, is not to see that this viewpoint is limited and another logistical fallacy imbedded especially when education clearly shows that it is lack of exposure that limits, and that this is controlled via economy and belief systems such as socialism being a bad, when what is happening is a construct of social belief that is the cause of the need for order because so much blame based on practical logistical fallicies exist, layers of them.
    Which means, and I will pose this in a question, If Common Core is taking one point and making this a one way teaching approach ignoring developmental process overall, and as this ends up limiting, slowing down an innate ability to process when given opportunity, is our whole way of looking at the fabric of society in judgement based on consequence the problem instead of realizing that a real socialism means to value all children and ensure that each and everyone has a clear structure within as the words they know that direct them to see here clearly and as such make choices that to not cause damaging consequences? And, that f this existed would the social fabric be one of more equality, alleviating crime and so much cognitive dissonance that is really just a logistical fallacy which is an inequality to common sense?
    So, what came first, the chicken or the egg?

    1. You've obviously thought long and hard about this Reb. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    2. God made the chicken and then came the eggs. Find the source book in Genesis.

  2. If you want to see a perfect example of Partisan Politicking then check out the new Read to Achieve law in the state of NC
    Research supposedly drove this law - I don't remember anyone asking any teachers during the research.

    1. Yea, I wonder who they talk to before making these kinds of decisions. Thanks Angela.
